The Visiting Team’s Overall Impression of the School
Our Savior Lutheran School is centered on God’s Word, and the faculty and staff make it a place that attempts to live out the Christian faith throughout the day at school. The hallways and classrooms present a serene, focused picture to the visitor. Students are quietly working at their assignments, projects, or selected activities. Interactions among students and between students and teachers are remarkably courteous and kind. A high degree of parent and volunteer involvement is a blessing to the school and its students. Test scores show that OSL students are performing at a high academic level. In her first year as an administrator, the principal has provided needed leadership and has worked with the staff to head the school in a good direction for the future.
Outstanding Strengths
- Dedicated and effective faculty and staff
- Relationships among students and between the students and faculty/staff
- The high level of ownership and volunteerism from parents and congregational members at the school
- The confidence that parents continue to have in the staff, in the school’s ability to meet individual needs of students, and in Mrs. Dehn’s leadership